from ChristianityToday:
In the meantime, they figured out that if this God is who he says he is—gracious and merciful and abounding in steadfast love—then maybe he is like a father who has compassion on the adolescent spirituality of his people, a people who can't help but be wrapped up in themselves and their problems. And when they looked closely, they saw God's hand in those changed lives and in those changed communities, even though those changed lives and changed communities kept talking mostly about themselves!
This struck some as pretty unfair to God, as it did not give him or his glory proper due! Some were starting to get hotly indignant at the blindness and selfishness of people, when someone noted how this seemed to be the way of God, whose Son died for the world knowing full well that it was mostly indifferent to him.
At this, some of the indignant stomped off, separating themselves, complaining about "cheap grace," promising a divine comeuppance. But others were both startled and calmed at the divine patience, and just shook their heads in wonder.
An entirely new genus, in the "daisy" family
4 hours ago